What guides us
We believe that every person is here for a purpose. However, the modern life with its fast-pace puts us on an autopilot mode making us sway from our purpose. We always want more than what we have and tend to seek validation and look for fulfilment outside of us. This makes us more anxious and feel empty. The best way to live a fulfilled life is by being the best version of ourselves.
How do you be the best version of yourself?
As simple as it sounds, this is not easy. It takes determination and courage to connect with yourself by constantly distorting ourselves from false beliefs and distractions. The more you connect with yourself, the more you gravitate to what drives you which eventually leads to your true purpose in life. When you live a life that aligns with our purpose, you naturally transform into the best version of yourself.
At Chrisling, we encourage people to live a purposeful and an intentional life. We blend content, people, assessments and assignments with this philosophy into curated learning journeys. By inculcating reflective learning, we help people in identifying their voice and guiding them in realising the gaps that are holding them back from realising their potential.
How do we do this:
1. Needs analysis:
We conduct a three level analysis through the following ways:
Questionnaires to participants
Discussions with respective stakeholders and participants
Competency gap analysis
2. Creating solutions:
Identify the right learning methodology and approach that align with the learners’ needs and the organisation’s goals.
3. Learning intervention:
We use a blended training approach and we aim at creating a positive, inclusive and an intentional learning environment where our learners feel confident in expressing themselves freely.
4. Learning implementation:
We send bite-sized learning modules to reinforce learning and give assignments or project to check learning implementation
5. Learning measurement:
We measure learning through Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model.