Meet our teaM

Sheeba Caroline H

Founder | CEO | Chief Trainer

While technology has been replacing human connections, people are losing touch with themselves and nature which is affecting them physically, mentally and emotionally. How do we encourage people to connect with themselves and nature? This is what drove Sheeba to start Chrisling.

With over 16 years of experience in training and development, Sheeba aims to encourage people to live a purposeful life by helping them connect with themselves and nature through her training and retreat programmes.

Having trained over 5000 individuals from all walks of life on communication and soft skills, Sheeba spends her free time in spreading her vision for a better world driven by purposeful people.

Sundarapriya MP

Training Consultant | Life Skills Coach

The more we are disconnected from nature, the more prone we are to physical and emotional illnesses. How do we make people aware of this? This is how Sundarapriya got connected to Chrisling.

Being a psychologist, healer and a life skills coach, Sundarapriya believes that living in harmony with nature strengthens one’s body and mind. Her exceptional perspicacity makes her a sought-after coach.

Sundarapriya spends her free time in advocating for nature and encouraging people to return to their roots.

Srinath Koppula

Communications Consultant | Debate Coach

"The more we write, the more articulate we get" is one of Srinath's guiding principle and he aspires to teach this skill to children and adults. This is how Srinath got connected to Chrisling.

Being a writer, UI writer and a debate coach, Srinath aims to encourage people to debate more as he believes that debating makes a person speak with conviction assertively.

He has worked as a content writer for fortune 500 companies and spends his free time in writing his 1st book.